Here is the background on the Ukrainian Delegation in US. Continuing on to what was said…
Let’s start with the post adoption reports. Several hundred reports are missing for American families. The Ukrainian Embassy called some adoptive parents and asked for the reports. Some families did and some didn’t.
For the love of your children, just do the report PEOPLE. It isn’t rocket science. It is a very short form that anyone can fill out. I had someone tell me the report was a “violation of their privacy as American citizens”. I just wanted to scream and pull their hair out.
Anyone who adopted from Ukraine since 1996 promised (via a letter) to file these post adoption reports. The form and instructions are found here.
The SDA won’t be discriminating against Americans because of the missing reports. This is good news… many folks were wondering if the SDA was going to restrict or not accept American dossiers. Last year Americans were restricted to adopting children 10 years or old. This won’t be happening again in 2007. The SDA will take new dossiers Jan 2007.
The bad news is the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian unicameral parliament) is thinking about passing a new law. A social worker would be required to complete the post adoption report. 1 for the first 3 years, then 1 report every 3 years. This could cost $3,000 to $5,000 to the adoptive family.
Right now this is just a conversation.. Everyone let’s make this a mote point, so the Verkhovna Rada can drop this thought.
Please do the report. I volunteer to help anyone write their report. Email me at
Ukrainian Delegation in US
Post Adoption Reports
Adopting Hosted Child Part 1
Adopting Hosted Child Part 2
Adopting Hosted Child Part 3
Single Parent and Older Parent Adoption
When Will Ukraine Accept New Dossiers?